
Just heard your story in the BBC World Service today and I am so touched. What a great story and what a fortune that you found each other! I should prepare my lecture right now, but have to write you, because I am moved so much …please keep your passionate love and move mountains!

Mario, January 2024

So I’m listening to BBC this morning and listen intently to your story. I normally wouldn’t get so emotional over something that I’ve heard on the news but here I am at 5:00 a.m. on my way to a job with tears streaming down my cheeks. Thank you so much

Warren, January 2024

Wow what an interesting and incredible story. I can’t imagine how scary that would be. As a Canadian socialist I am disappointed but not surprised that Canada expected dirty favours to give Elena citizenship. Good for you for not giving in.

Kat, July 2022

I am awed by what I learned only this week of your story. Wow, truth is way stranger than the idiotic fictions concocted by the mainstream entertainment industry. Started clicking on the website info and was riveted, reading all you had to offer.

Dulce, September 2021

I just heard your story on Snap Judgment. I’m so glad you made it! Wow. My stomach quaked with fear so many times in the story.

Meg, September 2021

I heard your story on the radio this afternoon. I was so moved I called my husband to get him to listen to the rebroadcast this evening, then I told the whole story to our son, after I listened to it a second time.

Suzanne, September 2021

You are amazing, and your story is incredible.

JL, September 2021

I just heard of your podcast and now I’m on your website and hooked. Coolest chicks ever! Will the US not have you? Id take you both, I am in Oklahoma, USA. I really think you 2 are fantastic and I appericate the balls.

Katie, August 2021

Dear Elena and Meg, I am incredibly impressed by your exploits! You two are epic Heroines like that of Homer! Why is this story not more widely known?? Why this story has not been made into a blockbuster film? What an amazing, thrilling journey!!

Ursula, September 5, 2020

Hi Elena, Hi Meg! I’m Nicolas, french tv journalist. I’ve just read your story, and waou! This is epic!

Nicolas, 2 December, 2019

Dear Elena and Meg, you two women inspire me to no end. Your story brought me to tears. You remind me that life is really all about what you want to do between being born and dying. It is ours. We define ourselves. We choose who we love. I will never forget you and your story. Your story will change lives.

Therese, 24 February, 2019

Dear Elena and Meg, I recently heard you on the radio. And your strength, courage, and self determination are inspirational for me. I want to thank you for sharing your experiences, and also for your writings, logs, and photos that you have on line.

Robin, 22 February, 2019

Wow, I just heard your story on Snap Judgement and I was completely blown away. I mean COMPLETELY BLOWN AWAY! I know my words don’t even come close to expressing the amazing admiration I have for you both, but I felt compelled to at least try and tell you. What an amazing journey and what courageousness you two displayed. You showed the world that love knows no boundaries, no limits. I am truly in awe of the great risk you two took for the sake of love, true love.

Joe, 18 February, 2019

I am awed by your courage to give yourself to love and follow wherever it must lead -risking everything for freedom to be your authentic selves. What an adventure!

Helen, 17 February, 2019

I am in awe of your bravery and determination, and the fact that you made it!!! Congratulations on your fortitude and and your love.

Mary, 17 February, 2019

Love you! So glad I got to hear your story again and see your short film and read your blog. You’re both amazing!

Madeline, 17 February, 2019

What a magnificent, astounding, beautiful, suspenseful human story. From the first moment of the broadcast… I was mesmerized. Just fantastic!

Gabor, 17 February, 2019

Your story would make a wonderful motion picture. My wife and I heard your story on NPR and we were captivated and hung on every word.

Bill, 17 February, 2019

I listened to your story just minutes ago. WOW, I AM speechless, in awe, and my jaw is still dropped as I write this to you. If nothing else, You Are Incredible. Thanks for your motivation.

Ari, 16 February, 2019

I just want to tell you both that you are amazing, your history made me cry today in my car, it is inspiring.

German, 16 February, 2019

You are heroes. I’ve listened to your story on Snap Judgment at least 4 times, and fell in love with you both.

David, 11 February, 2019

For me, you two will always epitomize courage, strength and determination. There is no room for anything not real in your lives. It’s such a reprieve from all the bullshit to think of where you are and what you might be up to.

Carol, 7 February, 2019

Dear Elena and Meg, you are our new heroes! Your story brought tears to my eyes, and a smile to my face. Your courage, the insanity of your love, the insanity of all love is an inspiration! Your story is amazing.

Julie and Roby, 25 November, 2018

I can not tell you how many times I mentioned to people about meeting you two and how inspiring your story of determination to seek happiness and freedom to live life with one another moved me. The best part for me is that you both have each other and no government, nor any person can take that away from you, not even the vast spans of an ocean could break you two apart.

Paul, 14 August, 2018

When I heard your story on Snap, I knew I had to come search you out on the Internet to comment. You two restore my faith in life and humanity. And yours is an adventure of a ifetime! Meg your imagination and resourcefulness is super amazing. BEAUTIFUL!

Miko, 24 June, 2018

Вы обе прекрасны для меня! Я желаю вам доброго ветра, человечных чиновников, и найти свою землю, откуда яхты будут выходить в море и всегда туда возвращаться)

Галина, 10 декабря, 2017

Я прочла вашу историю на сайте ТакиеДела, и потратила весь вечер на беспорядочный рев. Мне хочется вас обнять, обеих. Спасибо, вы дарите надежду!!!

Elisabeth, 8 декабря, 2017

I just listened to your episode on Snap Judgement, and wow! What an amazing, inspirational story! I want to read your book so bad, but alas, I do not speak Russian. Please, please, please, publish it in English!!

Ellen, 05 December, 2017

Just listened to your amazing and captivating story, thank you for sharing it via Snap Judgment on RadioNational in Australia!! Your commitment to each other is inspiring, and your strength and courage are phenomenal. Can’t believe Canada has not given you citizenship, Elena, after all these years, ironic that USA is treating you better! Vsyevo choroshevo vam!! Love always wins!

Suzana, 03 December, 2017

Hi Meg and Elena. Wow. I just listened to your story on Snap Judgement. I listen every week and have for the last few years, but I have never been so captured by a story until I heard about your journey. I am inspired, rejuvenated, and in awe of your story and love.

Desiree, 02 December, 2017

Дорогие Мег и Елена! Ваша история потрясает и не оставляет равнодушным. Спасибо, что вы поделились своей историей и, уверена, вдохновите ею ещё многих.

Полина, 22 ноября, 2017

Какая потрясающая история! У меня просто нет слов… Девушки, я восхищаюсь вашим мужеством, несгибаемостью, и любовью! Очень хочется увидеть вас вживую, просто посмотреть на вас и пожать каждой из вас руку.

Женя, 18 ноября 2017

Прекрасные Лена и Мег, спасибо за то, что рассказываете вашу историю. Я из Украины, тут тоже очень высокий уровень гомофобии и иногда хочется сложить руки, залечь на дно. Ваша история меня очень вдохновила, вселяет надежду, что можно вырваться. Удачи вам! Я за вас!

Галина, Украина, 18 ноября, 2017

I was listening to National Public Radio in my car and I heard this story on the radio and was fascinated by it. When I arrived at my daughter’s I sat in my car for about ten minutes listening until the program ended.

R. Howard Courtney, 17 November, 2017

Hi Meg and Elena! Your story brought tears to my eyes and just warmed my soul. I am a Canadian who moved to the US to be with the woman I love. Best of luck and thank you for sharing your story.

Claire, 16 November, 2017

I also just heard your story on Snap Judgement. Thank you Glynn Washington for making this story known. You both give me so much courage.

Beverly, 16 November, 2017

I have just heard your story on the radio show Snap Judgement and was floored by your story! What an incredible life you both have lived. I do hope there is funding for you to get your book Talking to the Moon translated to English as I was on my search to buy it and find out the entire story!

Audrey, 16 November, 2017

Ваша история просто волшебна! Я разделяю с вами эти эмоции, чувство любви и благодарности жизни за то, что вы узнали друг друга. Ваша история меня потрясла.

Максим, 15 ноября, 2017

Heard your story on Snap Judgement and am floored by both of you!! Like others I really hope they make this into a move because your story is extraordinary. Keep fighting for your integrity and for your love.

Mollie, 14 November, 2017

I happen to turn on the radio just in time to hear your story. As a gay 78 year old women with still high hopes of finding love and adventure, your story was so wonderful.

Marianne, 13 November, 2017

I heard your inspiring story on NPR this past weekend and it is truly a love story. It would make a good movie or TV documentary. Hope you’re able to find a good translator for your book.

Sarah, 13 November, 2017

I heard your beautiful story on Snap Judgment and I was overwhelmed with your love and determination. Your story is a testament of strength and inspiration. Your story is the definition of incredible!

Matthew, 13 November, 2017

I heard your amazing story on Snap Judgement today! You are two brave bad-ass women. I am deeply inspired and delighted by your commitment to each other and the phenomenal guts it took for you to make it out of Russia and freaking SAIL to Canada!!!

Amy, 13 November, 2017

Just had to make contact being so very profoundly moved by the extraordinary power & beauty of your unbelievably courageous love story! Wow, and thank you so much for sharing it ;my heart is pounding & my mind is blown at both of your’s strengths & beautiful convictions to triumph over evil and to survive to live this life as your true selves. As they say in Italian, “BRAVE!!!” to you both.

Lisa, 12 November, 2017

My wife and I heard about your story last week over the radio. Will your book be published in English soon?

Kevin, 12 November, 2017

I find it inexplicable that you story is not widely known. It is truly the greatest tale of love, strength and courage I ever heard of! Hope to see the English translation of the book and see you adventure on the big screen real soon.

Alex, 12 November, 2017

I heard of your adventure on Snap Judgment yesterday…what an inspiration! I can’t wait for the movie!

Michael, 12 November, 2017

Thanks for an incredible story! I heard it on NPR and was enthralled. My only question is: “Why is this not made into a film?” A wonderful adventure that would interest most, even heteros like me!

Lynn, 12 November, 2017

Dear Elena and Meg, Your story is one of the most beautiful and inspiring ones I have ever heard in my life!! Thank you for sharing it, I profoundly admire your courage and determination.

Samantha, 11 November, 2017

I just heard about your battles to be together and sailing alone to Canada. I am certain now that we can do anything if we want it badly enough. As a 71 year old woman, I needed to hear your story. I was raised in a home where we were taught to live according to the rules of my culture. Phooey!

Marlene, 11 November, 2017

I just heard your story on Snap Judgement. It’s a most incredible love story. I would love to see it as a feature film. Hope you can find a much needed translator.

Mayra, 11 November, 2017

Omg, what a love story, what an adventure. Thank you for sharing your story.

Bruce, 11 November, 2017

As a professional captain and delivery skipper I was mesmerized by your story on Snap Judgement! Not sure I would have had the guts to do what you did with so little experience. You are such an inspiration and testament to believing in LOVE and yourselves. THANK YOU so much for sharing your story and continue to live YOUR lives. And please translate Talking to the Moon.

Judy, 11 November, 2017

I just heard your story on the Snap Judgement podcast and I was so deeply moved to hear what you two had been through to not only be together but to live authentic to who you are. Thank you for being so inspiring and brave and amazing. Stories like yours have and will continue to change the world for the better.

Chelsea, 11 November, 2017

We heard your amazing and epic journey on Snap Judgment NPR Podcast today. Wow, we were blown away with your bravery, commitment to each other and resilience. It truly is an inspiration to see how two people see beyond the obstacles in front of them and move forward with such daunting choice in front of them. To sail continents with limited skill and knowledge about sailing makes any other challenges couples fail pale in comparison. We applaud you and want you to know we are fans of yours.

Maria and Xavier, 11 November, 2017

I just heard your story on Snap Judgement. I am moved beyond words by what you went through to live your lives together. I will tuck this away in my heart and head as a source of inspiration when faced with difficulties. Thank you for sharing this with the world.

Joanne, 11 November, 2017

Just heard your remarkable story…..courage I wish I had. Amazing strength, and may you both be together, healthy and happy for many years. May you inspire other women towards courage too.

Selma, 11 November, 2017

I just listened to your story on Snap Judgement and you are wonderful examples that LOVE conquers all and nothing is impossible. Thank you for sharing your story. I just love you both!

Wanda, 11 November, 2017

You both are amazingly brave. Your story of love and trust in each other is truly an inspiration. We are all capable of doing great things if we don’t let others tie us down, you prove that. Thank you for sharing it.

Christopher, 11 November, 2017

Your story on Snap Judgement was the most captivating story I’ve heard in a LONG time! And I listen to ALL the great NPR and other podcasts. And I’ve followed the trials of people like Zac Sunderland and what it’s like to be on the open ocean on a small boat…I can’t believe what you two went through! And that your crazy idea worked! Power to you. Really.

Dana, 10 November, 2017

I learned about your story tonight on a program on National Public Radio(NPR) that was called “Kismet”, an ironic title, if there ever was one! I believe that your book would be quite successful if fully translated into English. In the meantime, I am going to buy “Talking to the Moon”, and learn Russian as I read It! Congratulations for defying the odds, and not accepting your fate, as others would have it. Please be safe in your adventure, your love story is an inspiration.

Terry, 10 November, 2017, Las Vegas, Nevada

You are amazing! Keep fighting! Your story truly touched me. I can’t believe how brave and strong willed you both are. I am very hopeful that you will find a place to call home and a loving community soon. Maybe go to Argentina! We are a very welcoming people and support gay marriage and gay rights.

Virginia Maria, 09 November, 2017

Вот, только закончила читать эту замечательную историю. Сказать, что шокирована вашей смелостью и решительностью – не сказать ничего! Я переживала, волновалась, все пыталась в голове прокладывать маршрут по которому вы плыли… и так как я видела океан, очень хорошо понимала, как вам было тяжело и страшно. Но оно того стоило. Ваши чувства и преданность друг-другу, даже по прошествии 10 лет, стоили и стоят того ужаса, который вы пережили.

Оксана, Украина, 03 ноября, 2017

Спасибо Вам что рассказали такую потрясающе переживательную историю своей любви! Только закончила читать.. слезы радости за благополучное окончание Вашего пути текут ручьем!

Ирина, Украина, 30 сентября, 2017

We are a couple of a certain age, but very cheerful, we admire your strength, your will and your immense desire to love each other and share lives.

Maria and Irma, Panama, 28 September, 2017

Hello Elena and Meg, I write you from Spain, and I just discover your story. I can´t believe it has been 10 years since your epic journey started, and I did´t know about it !!!! (And I’m a pretty up-to-date and informed person) I can´t believe the world didn´t know. The world needs brave women like you, And your stories must to be heard!!

Alba, 7 June, 2017

You’re amazing!!! I can’t even imagine what you went through! I hope you manage to get your book published in English (or Czech) because I would definitely buy it! I can’t quite understand why we haven’t heard about your amazing journey earlier I really admire your courage and determination!!

Zuzana, 23 May, 2017

How do I get a copy of your book in English? I am absolutely in awe of your story.

Krista, 19 May, 2017

I am so looking forward to the English translation of your journey, “Talking to the Moon”. Your courage is beyond inspiring. Your commitment to love is priceless.

Joyce, 19 May, 2017

Elena and Meg, I cannot wait to read the book and watch the movie! I just know with the recent exposure, you’ll get it translated into many languages and producers will be knocking down your door to create a film. Although I’m from the US and I haven’t had to go through anything near what you two did, this story gives me so much hope and strength. Thank you for sharing it.

Whitney, 19 May, 2017

I can’t believe I just learned of your amazing story! You ladies take my breath away. Is your book available in English yet? Will it be soon? If not, I may have to learn to read Russian. Your story inspires and uplifts me. Thank you so much for sharing it. You both have my utmost admiration.

Carol, 19 May, 2017

Дорогие наши сёстры! Здесь, в России, читая о вашем подвиге во имя любви и во имя того, чтобы быть самими собой, а не теми зомби, в которых нас, женщин, хочет превратить мир патриархата, мы восхищаемся вами, шлём вам лучи нашего сестринского тепла, поддержки, надежды на то, что вы победите и добьётесь того, к чему стремитесь.

Марина, 24 ноября 2016

Только, что прочитала вашу историю, то как вы преодолевали все трудности, преграды, на своем пути для того что бы быть вместе. Меня переполняют эмоции , от того, сколько вам пришлось пережить, чтоб достичь своей цели и не сойти с этого пути. Какой должен быть внутренний стережень!!? для воплощения плана в реальность?!! Крепкий и сильный! Это достойно, уважения!!!!! Вся планета должна брать с вас пример! Я желаю вашей паре долгой и счастливой жизни, потому что вместе вы создаёте чудеса!

Ольга, 23 ноября, 2016