Why Aren’t We in Canada?


I don’t like Canada. I can’t afford to live in Canada. There is absolutely nothing in Canada for us. Everyone is afraid of everyone, it’s expensive, it’s contrived. It’s cold, it’s boring, it’s ugly, it’s incredibly mediocre.

If I go to Canada I lose everything. I couldn’t afford to have the boat, so I would lose that. I would end up on welfare because I have no connections, no friends, no family, and I would lose any last scrap of dignity I may still have. My standard of living would drop into the gutter, there really would be no point to being alive. Yeah, I’d have to kill myself if I ended up in Canada.

Why Meg was gung ho about Canada before

I used to be rich. In other words I had money. Therefore, I could play the Canadian game. I could distract myself with mindless consumerism and who has more antiques in their authentic historic house or whatever.

But you and Elena can be in Canada together. Isn’t that good enough?

We can be together wherever we want. We are together now! Sure we could be together in Canada, living under a bridge, if you can find one that isn’t already overoccupied, while the richies spit on you and pretend they are oh-so-woke by giving expensive paintings to art galleries to help the poor.

Isn’t Elena safe in Canada? Isn’t this is what it was all about? Elena’s and your safety?

You better ask Elena if she was safe in Canada.

Sure, she was safer in Canada than in Russia from, say, a homophobic attack. But that isn’t all there is to life and safety. Safety is also about being a part of something, about having people around you who know your name.

More about Canada from Meg: Once more on why we aren’t in Canada.


My life is too valuable to me to spend any more time in Canada than I already have. Seen it, been there, didn’t like it a lot. It doesn’t add to my life in any way, in fact, it takes away from life. The beautiful flower, opening up with all the potential, that life is, in Canada is thwarted. So was my and Meg’s life and so was our love. Nobody needed us there, nobody cared about our love or what we did for it.

Was I safe in Canada? I was safe from some looser harassing me or calling me names on the street. But I was not safe from loneliness, isolation, feeling like I am wasting my life, like my life has stopped and lost any meaning.

But you can get married in Canada

I can get any sorts of useless papers or posters that I can frame and put on the wall, it would give me absolutely nothing. What I want is freedom. For humans, it comes in the form of money and a passport of a developed country.

But Canada is a LGBT haven

I never labeled myself and never asked to be treated in some special way. I never had anything to do with the abbreviation. It was others who call me lesbian or a member of “LGBT community”. I was never part of this community, don’t know what it is and if it even exists. I survived on my own and still am.

Gay prides in Canada? To me, they are a show of wealth and that Canada is so much better than anything else. They never did anything for me and I find them very boring and contrived.

More about Canada from Elena: Oh, Canada! and What you didn’t know about me and Canada.